تکالیف زبان آموزان ریز


در این پست تکالیف زبان آموزان ACC 14  ریز آمده است.که بدون ویرایش تقدیم شما ایران زمینیان گرامی می شود.موضوع این تکلیف ” نوشتن یک متن دلخواه و مشخص کردن بخش های: موضوع، جملات توضیحی و نتیجه گیری ” بوده است.


زینب بهرامی:


problemes of tourism in iran

The tourism industry in Iran is very high potential for growth is high. According    to the World Tourism Organization, the Iranian point of the ancient and historical attractions, natural attractions, and ranks fifth in the  world and is
.one of the safest countries in the world in terms of security for foreign tourists
In 2006 , about 750 thousand foreign tourists visited the country , and while his  year 842 million tourists have traveled the world
According to experts, the industry has benefited from the development
that  it was not pleasant.
Investors are unaware of the fields in Iran and a weak advertising negative news out of Iran and Social and religious restrictions for foreign tourists as well as political tensions in some Western countries as well as other
impediments to growth in the tourism industry in Iran ,

in summary.Can prepare the proper economic context for investment in hotel  construction and other industries to make investors aware of the areas ..mentioned Krd.v fields in Iran and more adverties .


اسماعیل صالحی پور:


Sport (or sports)
Sport is all forms of usually competitive physical activity which through casual or organised participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical ability and skills while providing entertainment to participants, and in some cases, spectators . Hundreds of sports exist, from those requiring only two participants, through to those with hundreds of simultaneous participants, either in teams or competing as individuals.
Sport is generally recognised as activities which are based in physical athleticism or physical dexterity, with the largest major competitions such as the Olympic Games admitting only sports meeting this definition,[3] and other organisations such as the Council of Europe using definitions precluding activities without a physical element from classification as sports . However, a number of competitive, but non-physical, activities claim recognition as mind sports. The International Olympic Committee (through ARISF) recognises both chess and bridge as bona fide sports, and SportAccord, the international sports federation association, recognises five non-physical sports,[4][5] although limits the amount of mind games which can be admitted as sports .
Sports are usually governed by a set of rules or customs, which serve to ensure fair competition, and allow consistent adjudication of the winner. Winning can be determined by physical events such as scoring goals or crossing a line first, or by the determination of judges who are scoring elements of the sporting performance, including objective or subjective measures such as technical performance or artistic impression.
In organised sport, records of performance are often kept, and for popular sports, this information may be widely announced or reported in sport news. In addition, sport is a major source of entertainment for non-participants, with spectator sport drawing large crowds to venues, and reaching wider audiences through broadcasting.


زهرا روان پرور:


premium and defect of computer
let me at first say what we use of computer.we use computer for all the thing like surfing the net and doing internet works and doing projects and watchin film and so on…
when we use computer right this is good and can make your information  more.but when we use it alot have some defect that effect on you like having eyepain and back and neckache and you can’t have a good realationshio with  your family and you’ll be angry for simple things.
in summary when we use sth alot have a consequences that effect that you have for rest of your life and you want to take time back and use it right.


فاطمه عارفی:


fat,fat,fat                                                                                                                                    one of the problem today is fat,there are many problem for people that they are fat,special for woman that they like always seem good looking but for them, there s not suitable clothes beacuse they are fat, one of the other problem is food, all people like eat the best and dlishes food,but they are worry if i eat them maybe i become more fast,but they eat and eat, and they cant put on clothes that like ,and they usually think about it what can i do ,and test the very way.of course there are some tips, they can eat all food that like but no so much, and eat slowly, exercise and exercise, every time that there are no work exercise. and more than actien,when they are go to place work dont use a car, go whit bycical or walk. and the.and show the reseacher  that the people american are very fat rather the other people world.


محمد حسین زارعی:


he oldest game of the world
The game of polo(chowgan)was played in Iran during the first century A.D.Some scholars even claim that it was invented by Persians around 2000 B.C.However Iran is generally regarded to be its originater.From Iran it was carried to Arabia and from there to Tibet.In Tibet,it was called “pulu”.In fact the word polo has been derived from “pulu” which means ball. In India it was introduced by the Mohammedan conquerors in the thirteenth century. From India it was carried to England in1860.Nowadays.it is not only played in India, but also in Argentina, England ,the U.S.A, and some other countries of the world.
Polo is played with a stick and a ball on horseback.Polo stick is called mallet.It is an outdoor game.Its grass field is 274.32m long and 146.3m wide .two teams, each having four players, play the game.To be good at this game, one has to be an expert horse-rider.This game is played in six, seven or eight rounds. These are called “chukker”. The duration for one chukker is 7.5 minutes. After every chukker some rest is given to the players. It is a very expensive game.thus, only rich people can affort it. That’s why it is also called the ”game of princes”.


زینب کوشکی:


what is your favorite color?
this days we shouldn’t ask any kids of  middleasth what is your favorite color?
because they haven’t seen any color except color of blood .
kids of u.s.a  have seen one color more than them
they owe it to there skins color two days later all schools will open teachers  won’t ask how did you spend your summer and where did you go and what have you done because they have been like theme
i don’t know  what do they want and what do they want to prove will the human of the next sentiuerys admire theme when they look to the history

god pleas send human like (gabril gavsia mrces and hariet bicher sto and) ) nelson mandela)

that bring peace by theme words when they achieve all the  earth  i think sky is a next destination
god pleas help theme+


مریم حسینی:


(changes of our life with the apps(topic sentence
these days you see many people in the street that they’re  completely busy with their cellphones without any paying attention to others and their around.whit rise of applications we have less fun together,we don’t pay attention to people who we loved and we are forgetting many things such books and reading.
when something new is coming most of people are interested on it and like to try it and it’s a normal thing but many people use it in a bad and unusual way.they use it so much until it become their whole life and they become addicted to it and this is the problem.
(supporting sentence)
in summary  we should use every things in a normal way and do not delete something completely with coming if something else and try to don’t let it to take all your life.
(concluding sentence)


اعظم ریزی:


The means by which environmentalists seek to achieve their political goals demonstrate a willingness to operate within traditional political channels. Like many other special interest groups, advocates for the environmentalist movement use lobbying tactics such as contributing financially to the campaigns of environmentally friendly candidates. Lobbying provides a  source of political influence and power. As one analyst of environmental politics notes, in “making some commitment to work within the political system. .  succumb to. . .pressure to play ‘by the rules of the game’ in the compromise world of Washington.Some might argue that environmentalists have taken a distinctly anti American approach to policy change, claiming that lobbying is inherently  undemocratic in its bias towards certain segments of the population; however, lobbying remains a constitutionally legitimate form of political activism


حبیبه احمدپور:


Greenhouse Effect, Climate Change (topic sentence)
The Greenhouse Effect: Scientists are sure about the greenhouse effect. They know that greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane make the Earth warmer. They do so by trapping heat in the atmosphere.
Climate Change: Climate is the average of a region’s weather over a period of time. For example, it is possible that a winter day in a city could be sunny and mild, but the average weather tells us that its winters will mainly be cold and include snow and rain. Climate change is a change in these general weather patterns. They can become warmer or colder; amounts of rainfall or snowfall can increase or decrease each year. (Supporting sentences)

Cars cause pollution and release many greenhouse gases into the air. Driving cars that use less fuel can help reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the air. (concluding sentence )


محمدرضا حیدری:


All crocodilians are reptiles with long snouts,
four short legs,
 sharp teeth.

Members of the crocodilian
 family include alligators,
and gavials.

Crocodilians live
 in warm
 weather throughout
 year and they spend part of their time in the water and part of their time

 crocodilians grow to
 be very
with the largest more
 feet long.

There are two kinds
14 kinds of crocodiles,
 one kind of gavial.


پریسا قنبری:


Exercise makes your heart happy (topic sentence)
2 Your heart is one hardworking part of your body, pumping blood every day of your life the heart is muscle and it is the strongest muscle in your body but it can always become strong! Since it cannot life weights to get strong it relies on you to do aerobic exercise.
3. Aerobics is a word for needing oxygen, and aerobic exercise is any kind of activity that makes your muscles use oxygen, Aerobic exercise is repetitive meaning it is an activity that you do over and over, to keep  bringing fresh oxygen to all of your muscles. When you do aerobic exercise and bring in that oxygen, your heart becomes stronger and even a bit bigger! The number of blood cells in your blood increases, so the blood can carry even more oxygen. The blood in your body even moves more easily through the blood vessels. All these things mean that your body works more efficiently to keep you healthy, and you can do a lot of exercise without getting tired. (Supporting sentence)
In summary Exercise makes muscles stronger ,  makes you flexible and keeps you at a Healthy weight and makes you feel good ( concluding sentence ) .



تاریخ انتشار : ۱۵ مهر, ۱۳۹۳